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Aromatherapy in Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wonderful experience for a woman and aromatherapy can greatly enhance their experience whether it is using an oil for inhalation for morning sickness or creating a blend that helps with their aches and pains to rub onto the skin. Diffuser blends can be most useful during labour to help with anxiety and pain management.

Interestingly during pregnancy ladies develop an extra fat layer around the abdomen so in terms of application of lotions or oils to the stomach there is an extra layer to penetrate through. Meaning that anything applied to this area will not access her blood stream as quickly as anywhere else on the body. Just one of the changes happening to the body to be aware of. Due to these hormonal changes going on it is important that a trained aromatherapist is sought so that the essential oils are chosen and used safely.

There are a lot of useful essential oils in pregnancy such as chamomile roman which is pain relieving, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic so it soothes pain from muscular aches, headaches, toothaches and calms indigestion. Chamomile combined with cypress is also a good hormone balancing blend that can be diffused a little each day to help settle things down in the first couple of weeks after birth.

Peppermint is useful for morning sickness, tiredness, heartburn and heat rash although many pregnant ladies prefer ginger for their morning sickness due the heightened sense of smell peppermint can be too strong. Just apply one or 2 drops to a tissue and keep nearby to inhale when nauseous feelings come on.

Lavender is one of the most recommended oils which is antiseptic, pain-relieving antidepressant, healing and relaxing it also helps soothe aches and pains of pregnancy as well as helping with stress, anxiety, low moods and trouble sleeping. It can also be inhaled mixed with neroli to help with painful contractions during labour. Many midwives will recommend lavender in the bath for healing after birth but it does need to be mixed with a plain white lotion of a carrier oil such as almond or grapeseed oil first for safety.

There are many different lists of "do not use" oils for pregnancy in books and all over the internet however sometimes the source behind these has no aromatherapy training at all! Always check with a qualified aromatherapist before using essential oils in pregnancy.

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